Crewe Station Now Improve It

For anyone who would like Crewe railway Station to be improved.
The previous £38m Gateway scheme would keep and improve the current station. We would get a new entrance to the station on Weston Road, a multi-storey car park, improved bus and taxi interchange, and better passenger and staff facilities. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Saturday Meeting and Press Release

There is a meeting of CREAM this Saturday to discuss the important issues of the masterplan for Crewe Station and the proposed new High Speed west coast line.
Royal Hotel Crewe 10-30am Saturday 26th September.
Below is our press release;


Crewe, Railways, Environment and Manufacture

Press Release for immediate use


Crewe, Railways, Environment & Manufacture

The Campaign Continues.

The Campaign Group CREAM, still as a job of work to do?

Its now time to refocus on being a stakeholder rather that an opposition group:

Roy Cartlidge Chairman explains:

After the planned moving of Crewe Station by Network Rail and others have now been dropped.

It is now time to look ahead and focus on the new Masterplanning project that will involve looking at the whole picture not just the Railway Station.

The current debate looks at future spatial, economic and transport priorities for Crewe.

This will also look at a regeneration package which will be the development of a high-level vision for Crewe and hopefully put in prospective its regional importance via a business case for major public sector investment from regional and national government.

Discussions will take place soon to get a consensus on this issue so that clarity and awareness on the true economic and connectivity to this key gateway are realised.

In the light of news in the railway media about a new study that backs a call For High Speed 2 and looks at a proposal for high speed diverging line to Warrington and Liverpool but does not mention Crewe?

With this in mind it is imperative to use the lobbying skills of our organisation CREAM to ensure that we get a slice of the action and not become a railway backwater.

CREAM is an organisation made up of wide range of support from local rail user groups, Trade Unions along with concerned environmentalists and local businesspeople.

It is meeting on Saturday the 26th of September 2009 at the Royal Hotel Nantwich Road Crewe from 10:30 am

For further contact details and how you can become a member please contact:

Roy Cartlidge

Tel 01270 211166

Mobile 07929568590



Simon Latham